Jeremiah visited an arowana fish farm in Pontianak yesterday. The farm is one of the largest in Pontianak, employing over 200 workers, and supplies a prominent ornamental fish company. At the farm, the "breeder" arowana fish live and mate in special ponds.
According to the farm owner, the typical mating behaviour is for the female fish to first lay the eggs. The male fish will then fertilise the eggs, pick them up, and incubate them in their mouths for about 30 days. During these 30 days, the male fish do not eat. After 30 days, the fry are forcibly removed from their mouths by the farm workers and then grown in special aquariums. Once they have grown to a certain size, the young ones are then exported.
Words of wisdom overheard during the visit: It is not easy to be male nowadays.
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