Sunday, April 11, 2010

What the Dragon King can do for ASEAN

Detractors of ASEAN have cause for concern. An ASEAN Community is taking root, as evident in this Dragon King Restaurant using the ASEAN name and logo as a marketing tool.

Hopefully, the restaurant can do its part for the ASEAN Way by offering its customers a discount for reciting the ASEAN anthem.


The ASEAN Way (The ASEAN anthem)

Raise our flag high, sky high
Embrace the pride in our heart
ASEAN we are bonded as one
Look-in out-ward to the world.
For peace, our goal from the very start
And prosperity to last.

We dare to dream we care to share.
Together for ASEAN
we dare to dream,
we care to share for it's the way of ASEAN.

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