Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pearls of Wisdom

Not too long ago, Jeremiah wrote about Miss Environment Indonesia beseeching Indonesians to "safe the water".


It seems like Miss Indonesia Qory Sandioriva, too, has come under flak for her English.  During an interview during the preliminary round of the Miss Universe competition, Qory was asked for the best advice she would give to men.  She nervously replied,

“I think when you down the women can make you up, and I think the women can be said that ‘I have advice for you’ if you way up, you have to be nice with people, include women, so when you down, women can be nice with you.”

Does she mean: Women really like to be on top but if you are nice to them, they will be nice to you and not insist to be on top.  Or is it a classic case of lost in translation?  There is only one way to find out.  Be nice to women!

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