Sunday, March 28, 2010

An Exciting Saturday Night

Yesterday, Jeremiah tried to promote inter-agency understanding and camaraderie by accompanying his mates to the Alun Alun Selatan (South Square) to pay homage to the traditional local game of trying to walk between the two trees in the middle of the square blindfolded. The locals believe that if one does so successfully, he would have his wish come true.

The alun alun was bustling with families and students attempting the walk or launching light bulb contraptions into the air with catapults. After successfully completing the walk, Jeremiah adjourned for wedang ronde, a traditionally Javanese dessert akin to our cheng ting, at one of the roadside stalls lining the alun alun.

Jeremiah's biggest takeaway? Even if you are blindfolded, keep walking. It will bring you somewhere. Fail to reach your destination? Try again. You will get there.

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